So you're probably saying to yourself, "Oh Brooke, quit being so dramatic." But wait. Hold on to that thought for a moment....this wasn't your run of the mill, "Oh I forgot to pick up diapers at Wal-mart, or smashed his fingers in the door, or didn't realize he had pooped for a couple of hours and he got a horrible rash kinda thing" which I've never done...but this, oh this, is the most horrible thing I think I have ever done!
You are probably thinking to yourself that it's still not a big deal but let me start with how my day progressed. This is absolutely horrible. I mean this brings up horrible memories of my mom leaving my brother at the grocery store when he was 5 and me and my sister giggling all the way home. Well, I don't remember us giggling...but we had to know he wasn't in the car right? Anyway, I just got off track....where was I? Oh, I took Jack to daycare (did I even hug him goodbye?) and went to work. One of my co-workers had a sickness in the family and had to go home, so we had to split one of our routes. This was all fine except that we had a TON of mail!!! My main focus throughout the day was just to get back before the truck left at 5:30 so they could take my outgoing mail.
Well here is where I forgot my precious son.
For a split second I thought that I should get Jamie to go pick him up since I was having to work over but that was the last time I thought of Jack until I pulled into the driveway (25 miles from daycare) opened the garage, got our Kentucky Fried Chicken out (see, I even thought of food before my son, oh and don't tell Dave Ramsey I stopped to get chicken). I drove ALL the way home and didn't even realize he wasn't in his car seat!!! This is the moment I realized I am the most horrible mother ever recorded in the history of time...ok maybe now I'm being a little dramatic, but still. Anyway, I got out and I could see Madeline in the truck through the window of our garage. She yelled "Do you have Jack?" This is where I lost my breath and immediately wanted to slam my hand in the door of my car. I ran in the house to grab the phone (my cell phone died earlier in the day and didn't have a charger..what a day for this to happen!) and called our daycare provider to tell her I was on my way. Jamie in the meantime is TORE up!!! Jamie and Madeline were about to go and get him because the daycare called and told him I hadn't showed up. He was worried I had had a wreck...because being the wonderful mother that I am, I would have NEVER forgot to pick up my son from daycare!
So, the story ends with me returning to town to pick up my poor forgotten son.....I'm beating myself up the whole way there and a song comes on the radio. Carrie Underwood's "Don't forget to remember me"......